We bring life.
We’re building a home for this generation and future generations in order to reach people for Christ, connect them with other believers, help them grow in their faith, serve others, and honor God with their lives while inspiring others to do the same.

The Final Push
We are so excited to report that we have enough funds to build the shell of our future home!
Full Throttle is the final campaign to raise $900,000 for all of the things that we will need inside of the church. This includes all interior work, tiling, painting, lighting, furniture, production, and sound.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of Freshwater's Future and the life that we will bring through this new campus.
Full Throttle is the final campaign to raise $900,000 for all of the things that we will need inside of the church. This includes all interior work, tiling, painting, lighting, furniture, production, and sound.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of Freshwater's Future and the life that we will bring through this new campus.

Making an Impact in the Name of Christ
Freshwater began in 1999 with a handful of people and a dream. We dreamed of impacting our community and beyond in a big way by sharing the love of Christ. We envisioned launching a learning center to help families and were passionate about helping people find their purpose. Twenty some years later, we are still committed and passionate about fulfilling the calling God has placed on our church.

Unwavering Mission
Jesus gave his disciples the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) to go and make disciples. Even though we have occupied five different physical spaces over the years, we have never wavered in our mission. We stay focused on our mission by reaching people for Christ, connecting them with other believers, helping them grow in their faith, serving others, and honoring God with their lives.
Moving forward we will continue to be a “real, relevant, relational, inspiring, and generous” church focused on fulfilling our mission to make disciples. As more people step into their new relationship with Jesus, the spiritual climate of our community and beyond will increase. This is why we will continue to press into our calling.
Moving forward we will continue to be a “real, relevant, relational, inspiring, and generous” church focused on fulfilling our mission to make disciples. As more people step into their new relationship with Jesus, the spiritual climate of our community and beyond will increase. This is why we will continue to press into our calling.

Why Build?
God has blessed Freshwater with growth. With growth comes complications ranging from adding service times and campuses. Our current facility has a limited number of kids’ classrooms and locations for groups to meet. The main sanctuary seating area is very limited, and we are currently running three services and will eventually have to add a fourth. Ceiling height is low which impacts lighting and sound quality. Parking is limited, with much of it across the street and some of it street-side. Another long-standing issue is the two steel structural poles in the middle of the sanctuary that impede the view and make hosting various types of events more difficult. Now is the right time to build our new home.
What will it take?
Plain and simple, Freshwater must stay focused on our mission to make disciples in order to raise the spiritual climate of the community. This is our God-honoring calling. Holding firmly to Scripture, we’ll collectively rely on God for direction, walking in faith for His provision. We must honor God with our individual financial commitments that will help make disciples.
The total cost of our new home is approximately $9 million. We need to raise $3 million to start building, and then we will finance the remaining $4 million or less depending on how much we are able to raise. With grateful hearts, we pray for the means to give generously. While our individual contributions will not be financially equal, let’s embark on a path of equal sacrifice for the glory of God. Giving above and beyond our current contributions is the only way we will accomplish our goal.
The total cost of our new home is approximately $9 million. We need to raise $3 million to start building, and then we will finance the remaining $4 million or less depending on how much we are able to raise. With grateful hearts, we pray for the means to give generously. While our individual contributions will not be financially equal, let’s embark on a path of equal sacrifice for the glory of God. Giving above and beyond our current contributions is the only way we will accomplish our goal.

Building Photos

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a capital funding initiative?
A capital funding initiative is a church-wide concerted effort to raise funds for our new facility.
What is the business plan for funding our new campus?
We plan to utilize cash on hand, income from the campaign, sell the St. Bonifacius facility, and finance the rest.
How can I help? How much will I be expected to give?
Each person will have the opportunity to attend one of our informational meetings to learn the details of the new facility. Each person will be able to ask questions regarding the project, its timing, estimated costs, and the giving process. Prayer, listening, and discernment will guide each person as they give generously.
Should I redirect my regular giving to the building campaign?
Please don’t do that. Giving to our new campus should be above and beyond any current financial gift. Regular giving goes to support current ministry; building funds go towards our new campus.
Is my giving tax-deductible?
The best answer is to ask your accountant. Nevertheless, it is our understanding that since Freshwater is a legal 501c3 non-profit organization, charitable giving and donations are tax deductible.
When will the campaign end?
The campaign will end when we have raised the funds needed to start building. After that, any additional funds given will go towards the general fund unless the building debt is specified.
What is the process of giving?
First, review the campaign materials. After learning more about the campaign, pray about your financial commitment. If you are married, talk it over with your spouse. If you have children, involve them in the process. After praying about the amount, make the commitment to giving whatever amount you are trusting God for. Remember to make your gift faith-building and God-honoring.